Meta information

Your Kite's Meta Information is what appears when you share your Kite's link on social media platforms.

Your Kite's Meta Information is what appears when you share your Kite's link on social media platforms like WhatsApp or when it's previewed in search engine results. Typically, it includes a title, image, and description. By default, this information is set to "Check out our Kite!" with an image of kites soaring over the sea, along with the description, "Come and discover our new Kite!"

The great news is that you have the power to personalize this information to better represent the content of your mobile site! To make these changes, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your dashboard.
  2. Enter the Kite you want to customize.
  3. Navigate to the "Setup" section.
  4. Select "Meta Information."

Here, you can effortlessly edit the title, description, and image to align with the content of your mobile site. Customizing this Meta Information not only enhances the appearance of your shared links on social media but also contributes to improving your site's SEO.

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